Natural Medicines Database

Your membership to ON DPG includes access to Natural Medicines Database. A $169 value!

Natural Medicines Database for ON DPG Members

Read what the NATURAL MEDICINES website says about this important resource.

“The most authoritative resource available on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies”

Two important features are the rating system to help determine if a product is safe and the monographs which may be printed as patient handouts.

Natural Medicines Brand Evidence-based Rating (NMBER)

The most common questions asked about natural medicines are, "Is it safe?" and "Does it work?"

The Natural Medicines Brand Evidence-based Rating or "NMBER" in Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database helps answer these questions. NMBER provides an objective, scientific rating for over 90,000 commercially available natural medicines and dietary supplement products. Each product is rated 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest.

Consumer Education Monographs

Natural Medicines contains over 1200 monographs on natural ingredients, including vitamins, herbs, minerals, non-herbal supplements, naturally sourced chemical compounds, and foods. Each monograph provides scientific, evidence-based information on Safety, Effectiveness, Interactions, and more!

In addition to the Professional version, each monograph is also available as a Patient Handout in English, Spanish, and French. These are designed to be given to patients and are written so they can be easily understood by a general consumer.