Diversified Table Contest 2024 - Deadline Extended!

The ON DPG IDEA Committee launched the Diversified Table Recipe Contest in 2020 to provide dietitians and cancer patients with culturally authentic recipes that are nourishing and diverse.

If you have a culturally authentic, nourishing and flavorful meal or snack recipe, please share it with us! If you also belong to a Members Interest Group (MIG) we encourage you to represent your MIG and share favorite cultural recipes that are nourishing and can help those individuals of diverse cultures dealing with cancer.

Fill out the recipe template (found here) and send it to no later than February 3, 2025. If your recipe is selected it will be posted on ON DPG’s website and socials along with your name. The top ten winners will each receive a $50 gift card and 1 year membership to the ON DPGYou must be a current member of the Academy to receive the complimentary 1-year ON DPG membership.

We look forward to working together to bring light on the importance of supporting our diverse cultures in nourishing and delicious ways!

IDEA Leadership Program

The Oncology IDEA Leadership Program is an effort to promote equality and fairness in access to opportunities and resources regardless of background, characteristics or circumstances. It focuses on leadership development, professional growth and community impact in the oncology nutrition field.

Leadership Development

Become a mentee & mentor, work on projects, take on a leadership role

Professional Growth

Collaborate with leaders, attend FNCE® (expenses covered), networking events

Community Impact

Promote cultural sensitivity and competency within the context of oncology nutrition

IDEA Leadership Program Goals:

The IDEA leader will be supported/mentored by the IDEA Committee to:

  • Cultivate leadership interests by participating in discussions of health and oncology in meetings with ON DPG's Chair and other members of the Executive Committee
  • Work on a project for the ON DPG that helps cultivate cultural sensitivity at the organizational level 
  • Spotlight their interests and ideas at monthly IDEA and/or Executive Committee meetings

Below is what the selected IDEA Leader agrees to commit to:

  • The IDEA leader will attend educational programs such as FNCE to network and collaborate with Member Interest Groups (MIGs) and other RDN leaders. All FNCE expenses will be covered by this Leadership Program
  • Participate in the mentoring component via the Executive Committee and IDEA meetings
  • Serve on the ON DPG IDEA committee and peer-mentor the next IDEA Leader for one year post leadership experience (2-year commitment)
  • Submit an article to the ON DPG newsletter about their experience and project

2024 IDEA Leadership Award Recipient

Sara Negron-Flanigan, MS, RD, CSO

Who Can Apply:

All Academy members interested in the Oncology IDEA Leadership Program. All ages and career levels will be considered. Applications are opened in August of each year and successful applicants are announced at FNCE.

Questions? Contact ON DPG IDEA liaison(s) Anu Kaur and Giuliana Klesius at

Diversified Table Recipe Contest

The ON DPG IDEA Committee launched the Diversified Table Recipe Contest in 2020 to provide dietitians and cancer patients with culturally authentic recipes that are nourishing and diverse.

2023 Winning Recipes

2022 Winning Recipes