
2024 Award Winners

Excellence in Oncology Nutrition Research Award

Tonya Orchard, PhD, RD, FAND

Associate Professor Human Nutrition, Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, and Director of the Didactic Program in Dietetics, the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Distinguished Practice Award

Anu Kaur, MS, RDN, RYT-500, PhD

Student in Health Communications, George Mason University, certified well coach, registered dietitian and yoga teacher, Ashburn, Virginia

Distinguished Service Award

Mridul Datta, PhD, RD, LD, FAND

Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Foods Science and Human Nutrition and Director of the Master of Professional Practice in Dietetics Program, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa

Distinguished Service Award

Renee Stubbins, PhD, RD, LD, CSO

Clinical Oncology Dietitian Educator, Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center, Houston, Texas

Professional Partnership Award

Vickie E. Baracos, PhD

Professor, Palliative Care Medicine, Department of Oncology, University of Alberta, Canada

ON DPG Friend of the DPG Award

Kunal C Kadakia, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine and Chief of Oncology Nutrition at Atrium Health Levine Cancer in Charlotte, North Carolina


Distinguished Practice Award

This award is to formally recognize an outstanding ON DPG member who has worked to promote nutrition as a vital component of oncology patient care through professional presentations, publications, involvement in other oncology related organizations and active participation in oncology related patient activities.

Eligibility for the Distinguished Practice Award

  1. Current or previous member of the ON DPG.
  2. Not previously selected as the winner of the ON DPG Distinguished Practice Award.
  3. Not currently a member of the ON DPG Awards Committee.
  4. Self-nominations are accepted.

Nominees will be considered based on:

  1. Previous or current participation in the ON DPG through volunteer, elected, and/or appointed positions.
  2. Professional accomplishments in the field of oncology nutrition as exemplified through teaching, professional training, clinical experience, public speaking, research, publications, nutrition education for the public, entrepreneurship, policy-making, credentialing, etc.
  3. Exceptional performance and contribution to the field of oncology nutrition through evidence-based practice, communication, program development, and impact on oncology practice.
  4. Participation in oncology focused organizations to promote nutrition as an integral component in oncology care.
  5. Recognized by peers as an expert in oncology nutrition care.

Nominations are closed for the 2024 year.

The award recipient will receive $500 and a commemorative plaque at the ON DPG Member Reception during FNCE®. In addition, the recipient will be featured in the Oncology Nutrition Connection newsletter.

Questions about the ON DPG Distinguished Practice Award?

Contact: Paula Charuhas Macris at

Past Distinguished Practice Award Recipients

  • 2023: Valaree Williams
  • 2022: Rhone Levin
  • 2021: Whitney Christie
  • 2020: Jeannine B. Mills
  • 2019: Paula Charuhas Macris 
  • 2018: Kim Robien, Anne Voss
  • 2017: Alicia Shapiro
  • 2016: Colleen Spees
  • 2015: Kristen Trukova
  • 2014: Mara Vitolins
  • 2013: Wendy Demark-Wahnefried
  • 2012: Maria Petzel
  • 2011: Colleen Doyle
  • 2010: Heidi Ganzer
  • 2009: Not awarded
  • 2008: Not awarded
  • 2007: Barbara Grant
  • 2006: Shayna Komar
  • 2005: Diana Grant Dyer
  • 2004: Suzanne Dixon
  • 2003: Esther Kim
  • 2002: Nancy Sacks
  • 2001: Not awarded
  • 2000: Kathryn Hamilton

Connie San Andres-Robles ON DPG Distinguished Service Award

This award is to formally recognize a member of the ON DPG who has exhibited outstanding service, leadership and accomplishment within the ON DPG.


  1. Current or previous member of the ON DPG.
  2. Not previously selected as the winner of the ON DPG Distinguished Service Award.
  3. Not currently a member of the ON DPG Awards Committee.
  4. Self-nominations are accepted.

Nominations are closed for the 2024 year.

The award recipient will receive $500 and a commemorative certificate at the ON DPG Membership Reception, during FNCE®. In addition, the recipient will be featured in the Oncology Nutrition Connection newsletter.

Questions about the ON DPG Connie San Andres-Robles Distinguished Service Award?

Contact: Paula Charuhas Macris at

Past Connie San Andres-Robles Distinguished Service Award Recipients

  • 2023: Tara Coghlin Dickson
  • 2022: Caitlin Benda
  • 2021: Karen Ringwald-Smith
  • 2020: Colleen Spees
  • 2019: Kelay E Trentham
  • 2018: Katrina Claghorn
  • 2017: Heidi Ganzer
  • 2016: Suzanne Dixon
  • 2015: Elaine Trujillo
  • 2014: Rhone Levin
  • 2013: Heather Bell-Temin
  • 2012: Maureen Leser
  • 2011: Maureen Huhmann
  • 2010: Dianne Kiyomoto
  • 2009: Jeannine B. Mills
  • 2008: Carol Frankmann
  • 2007: Michele Hayward
  • 2006: Kim Robien
  • 2005: Julie Meddles and Marianne Grandon
  • 2004: Laura Elliott
  • 2003: Linda Nebeling
  • 2002: Christine Polisena
  • 2001: Valerie Kogut
  • 2000: Barbara Eldridge
  • 1999: Karen Kulakowski and Paula McCallum
  • 1998: Sandra Luthringer
  • 1997: Mary Sue Walker
  • 1996: Connie San Andres-Robles

Professional Partnership Award

The Professional Partner Award is a way for the ON DPG to recognize other organizations or people outside of the ON DPG who work to promote the role of nutrition in oncology care. We have the privilege of working with people who recognize the importance of dietitians in oncology and are helping to make patients, caregivers, and other healthcare professionals aware of our role in oncology.

Past Professional Partnership Award Recipients

  • 2023: Stephen Dehmer, PhD
  • 2022: Todd W. Mattox, PharmD, BCNP, FASPEN
  • 2021: Aki Smith, Hope for Stomach Cancer
  • 2020: Association of Community Cancer Centers
  • 2019: American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN)ASPEN.png
  • 2017: American Cancer SocietyAcs 3 Rgb
  • 2016: Anne Yaktine, PhD, RDN
    Anne is currently the Director of the Food and Nutrition Board at the IOM and was instrumental in making our benchmarking workshop happen. She was instrumental securing an internal IOM grant which allowed the workshop to happen.
  • 2015: Kathryn Hamilton, MA, RDN, CSO, CDN, FAND
    For her tireless effort coordinating the relationship between the oncology DPG and the CDR for over three years.

Excellence in Oncology Nutrition Research

This award is given each year for the top-rated abstract relating to oncology nutrition submitted for presentation at the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics's Annual Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo.

Award includes:

  • A complementary one-year membership in the ON DPG
  • An award recognizing their achievements, which will be presented at the abstract presentation. Also a ribbon will be displayed on the abstract during the poster session.
  • Recognition at the ON DPG business meeting during the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics FNCE in which they present their research findings.
  • Recognition in the Fall issue of the Oncology Nutrition Connection newsletter


  • Abstracts are submitted to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that contain the word cancer or oncology in the title.
  • The report must meet the criteria for submission as a research abstract.
  • Program-project report abstracts will not be considered.
  • The primary author of the winning abstract will be considered the awardee.
  • The abstract must conform to all rules of submission as outlined in the annual call for abstracts published in the February issue of the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
  • Awardee will be notified in September of each year.
  • Award winners are strongly encouraged to publish their research findings in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Assistance with manuscript preparation is available if requested.

Abstracts will be reviewed through the regular Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics abstract review system and by the ON DPG Award for Excellence in Oncology Nutrition Research review team. The ON DPG review team will consist of the Research Special Interest Group Chair, two members of the Research Special Interest Group, the DPG Chair and Awards Chair.

Questions about the ON DPG Excellence in Oncology Nutrition Research Awards?

Contact: Meghan J Garrity Nominating Chair at

Past Excellence in Oncology Nutrition Research Award Recipient

  • 2023: Emily Hill
  • 2022: Carly Pine and Emily Hobb
  • 2021: Tricia Melhart
  • 2020: Holly Paden
  • 2019: Joyti Benjamin
  • 2018: Taylor L Evans
  • 2016: Emily Hill
  • 2015: Colleen Spees
  • 2014: Brandi Heath
  • 2013: Teresa Fung
  • 2012: Elizabeth Ruder
  • 2011: Gayle McCartney
  • 2010: Teresa Fung
  • 2009: Susan Raatz
  • 2008: Donna Scaffidi
  • 2007: Denise C. Snyder
  • 2006: Mary Beth Kavanagh
  • 2005: Denise C. Snyder
  • 2004: Barbara Dixon

Friend of the DPG Award

Each year the ON DPG recognizes an organization and/or individual that has been supportive of the Practice Group by providing support for quality oncology nutrition practice through education and/or research.

Past Friend of the DPG Award Recipients

  • 2023: Colleen Gill, MS, RD, CSO
  • 2022: Julie Lanford, MPH, RDN, CSO, LDN
  • 2021: Peggi Guenter, PhD, RN, FAAN, FASPEN
  • 2020: Dr. Faith Ottery, MD, PhD, FACN for her contributions to the development of the Scored Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment
  • 2019: Kristina M. Gregory, RN, MSN, OCN from National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)