Thank you for your interest in applying for an ON DPG Research Grant to support research in the area of oncology nutrition.
There are four ON DPG Research Grants available at this time (two professional grants each up to $5,000 and two student grants each up to $1,500). Priority for one of the two professional grants will be awarded to a new researcher or practicing clinician with limited research experience and the other will be awarded to a post-doctorate researcher. The student grants will be awarded to one undergraduate student and one graduate student (i.e. Masters, DCN, or Ph.D.).
Applications are due by 11:59 PM EST on 10/29/2023. No late or incomplete applications will be considered. Applicants will be notified of the status of their application within a month.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicant must be a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) or a student in an ACEND-accredited program.
- Applicant must be a current active member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the ON DPG.
Submission Instructions
- Applications must be single-spaced, narrow margins, Arial 11 font and include:
- Cover page including name, institution, title
- Research proposal (6 pages maximum, including references)
- (1) introduction and background;
- (2) aims of the study (and hypothesis);
- (3) methodology (include IRB status if applicable);
- (4) statistical analysis plan; and
- (5) significance and implications for practice
- Itemized budget including a justification for each line item. Example: Budget Item 1: Gift Cards - $300 (Gift cards will be used as participant incentives.)
- Signed letter of support.
- Applications must be submitted as a single PDF document in the order listed above via the following link:
Funding Expectations
- Applicants may apply for up to $5,000 for professionals and $1,500 for students. Funds must be used to support the research only (i.e. project materials, research supplies, laboratory assessments, required software, statistical analysis, modest participant incentives, etc.).
- Funds may NOT be used for salaries, tuition, stipends, or to support indirect or overhead costs. Indirect costs include items that are associated with running the organization as a whole, such as administration staff salaries, rent, utilities, office supplies, etc.
- A maximum of $500 out of the potential $5,000 awards, and a maximum of $250 out of the potential $1,500 awards may be used for oncology and nutrition related travel expenses (e.g., registration, lodging).
- All funds will be paid directly to the university or organization (not individuals).
- Grantees are encouraged to publish results in the Oncology Nutrition Connection or a peer-reviewed scientific journal. Note that mentoring may be available for first-time publishers.
- Grantees are expected to present a research poster outlining the study progress and results at FNCE and/or the ON DPG Symposium. Grantees may also be invited to provide a short oral presentation on research findings.
- Proposals reviews will be blinded to reviewers and the applications will be treated as confidential information. Copies of the application will not be returned to the applicant.
If you have questions, please contact Colleen Spees PhD, RD at
Apply Here
Application Deadline is 11:59 PM EST on October 29, 2023.